Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I hate smoking, but almost all of my friends do smoke. I went to Japan last year, and my Japanese friends were smoking every 1 minute after their cigarettes. It was very painful for me. Maybe it is because cheaper and easier to buy cigarettes in Japan. According to my research, in Japan there will be so hard to find places for the non-smoking areas as it’s not very common even at the family restaurants. I also had an experience last year. It wasn’t very nice to smell smoking while eating especially for non-smokers. Long time ago, people smoked when they are stressed, or addicted people. But these days, people smoke by no reasons. They just smoke when they have free times, when they drink coffee, and no one can stop smoking even they try to stop. It’s not only men who smoke cigarettes. People of all ages and both sexes smoke anytime, at everywhere.
When I heard that I had to choose the topic for the ‘socio-political’, I was thinking of ‘smoking’ straightaway. But recently I found very interesting video on ‘Smoking baby in China’ on internet. So I developed my topic to 'The effects to children and women from smoking'.


  1. hey, i just read yur article and watched that video link that you posted up.
    I am angry and shocked at this. How can parents let their children start so young? It is not right! The baby was only 2. I'm sure it would of just learnt how to go to the toilet?

    I know what you mean about smoking in Japan. My first time i went their I was very suprised to find there was minimal places where non-smokers could be. The majority of restaurants were taken over by smokers. And it was very off putting while I was trying to enjoy my food. What do you think the Japanese governmet should do about smoking? should they leave it as it is? or instead of having them in vending machines only sell them in shops and have a age limit?
    I know that might not seem like much help but it would prevent children just buying them out of the vending machine when they feel like it?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sorry, I made some spelling mistakes and only notized them after having posted my comment... maybe you can definitely remove this and the comment before, please =) thanks!

  4. Oh my gosh, the video you posted is SOO disgusting! I haven’t seen something weird and scary like this before, it really makes me sick! How can the people around the little child laugh at this situation? However, what is the creepiest thing about the 2 year old child smoking a cigarette is that it behaves like an adult! Look at him! I am convinced that the infant is not even able to go to the toilet himself, or to get dressed without any help - but it smokes! And it looks like it’s not the first or even the tenth time... It knows how to use the lighter, it is familiar with how to smoke… and the way it holds the cigarette - I cannot believe this =( The whole behaviour is not that of an infant, the little child really seems to enjoy the cigarette…!

  5. Hey there. Like you I am shocked at the number of people who smoke these days. In the city it almost seems as if every second person I see has a cigarette in their hand. The problem I have with it though is that smokers tend to blow the smoke right into your face. Do they not realise that second hand smoke kills? A few generations ago smoking was considered to be fashionable and the dangers of it were not known. However, these days the dangers of smoking (cancer, emphysema and many more) are well known and are clearly understood. The consequences are even printed on the cigarette packets. I personally can't seem to understand why one would take up smoking after being warned of the frightening consequences. However, I can understand the reasons for smoking a few years back. Society believed that it was not only fashionable but was also a way to relieve stress. When I see young people smoking I often think to myself: "Do you know what you are doing to yourself?" Maybe they still believe that it appears fashionable or that they are invincible. I don't know. But I do know that it will contribute toward early aging and health problems in later life etc.
    As for the two year old child who already smokes. That is disgusting. I can't actually understand how a parent could allow this. The child will be addicted to nicotine through no fault of its own, just like a baby who is born alcohol or nicotine dependent because its mother smoked or drunk alcohol during pregnancy. Just an idea - you could look into what effects smoking while pregnant has on an unborn infant.

  6. Wow that video of the baby is soooo stupid and disturbing!! Im sure his parents thought it was cute and thought it would be cool to post up on the internet but that just shows their stupidity.

    There are places and bars that bann smokers and it was a law in New Zealand that got passed a couple years back i cant really remembr the year! ..

    Anyways about your topic, Why did you pick only children and women? what about men? or people as a whole?? It is sick to watch people throw their lives away from smoking, and seeing many ads on t.v about the effects of smoking to people, The younger generation smoke because its "cool" or they just wanna look bad ass.. others i have heard smoke because they are stressd, trying to lose weight ( i honestly dnt see how smoking does this) ..and oithers do it because they can..

    smoking can kill you, but so can a car accident or a plane crash

    =] i hope you write more on your topic. x

  7. Thank you for your comments people!! and sorry my reply was TOOO Late! oh, and I had to answer carter's question first. I didn't choose for children and women. because for children, i thought if they smoke from youth, like their brain doesn't work properly, or they might have problems for growths and etc, and for women, I wanted to put about their abortions after smoking. because you know many women do smoke while they are pregnant. so I just wanted to write that. I know men's smoking is also bad.. but I just focused to children and women. :) Thanx! oh, and thank you everyone.

  8. In Germany, in February 2008 they introduced an anti-tobacco law. This is valid for restaurants, discos etc. (unfortunately with some exceptions…) I REALLY appreciate this - no longer stinky cloths, hair…
    I find it very strange to see Asian people smoke - especially girls (in my imagination, all Asian girls are small and sweet =) and then I see that they have a cigarette in their hands = ( this really destroys my idea of Asians.
    My closest friends smoke as well. This is REALLY annoying. Some years ago we started renting a little room to be our ‘club’ - but after some months the smoke kept me from going there. Since then, I only go there at the weekend. So the fact that my friends are smoking in some way keeps me from spending time with them. How silly is that?? I’m kind of excluded only because I don’t smoke??

  9. Did you know one survey found that 60% of Chinese adults did not know that smoking can cause lung cancer while 96% were unaware it can cause heart disease. Maybe these people in the video don’t know either????????????? Worldwide, between 80,000 and 100,000 kids start smoking every day. Approximately one quarter of children alive in the Western Pacific Region will die from smoking. Good topic to talk about.
